Saturday, 26 January 2013

Golden Demon 1988: Scratch Built and Converted Vehicle Category.

Hi all, I have been trawling the internets for some pictures of old Golden Demon winners.

I thought i had to share these with you.

These are the 2nd and 3rd place results of the "Scratch built vehicle conversion" category (dont do em like they used to eh?) Unfortunately the 1st place mini picture is nowhere to be found, If anyone knows what it was, or has pictures of it then please let us know.

Anyway here are the pics,

2nd place, Markham Egglestons interesting vehicle. to me it looks like a slab sided rhino/chimera hybrid! I like it! Maybe its the "missing link" space marine tank people always talk about..

3rd place,  Richard Kernicks has produced this "Stack of rhinos"? these days i assume this would be an Ork contraption. but i like it nonetheless. Look at all those space marines ;lounging about. i never knew they were so lazy.

I'm surprised how much i like the old miniatures, they seem a lot more "interesting" to the eye, even if it is for the wrong reasons? Maybe its because everything now is CAD designed and missing some of the character?

Do you remember an old Golden Demon entry you liked? What was it?

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