Thursday, 24 January 2013

Bizzare Star Wars Posters.

 Strange Star Wars Posters.
 Hi guys, during my many rounds of scouring the internets for amazing things while not painting or modelling, i find some weird things.

Today i thought i would share these old star wars posters with you.

Heres the first.

This is a classic, at first glance it seems theres nothing at all wrong with it.

Lets have a closer look...

Yeah so its the lightsabers.
But lightsabers are fine i hear you cry, yes i reply, until you look at them. Do you remember when Han Solo had his own lightsaber for Jedi Training in the movie? because i sure as hell dont... maybe its a deleted scene and is on the Blu Ray?  And whats that? Vader has a Lightsaber Dagger? its only a few inches long... and whats with that hilt, he looks like hes holding a Lolly from out of the Freezer that Grand Moff Tarkin has made....


So its on to the second poster. (i actually like this one)

 Ahh a space battle from the death star assualt. Awesome.

Lets have a closer look.

So firstly, remember TIE fighters? Remember their credit card shaped wings? No? no, neither do I. Why do these have them? were they a prototype? are these a different Mark of TIE fighter?

Secondly, the good old Millenium falcon. What a beast, getting in amongst the battle with its companions, the other Millenium falcons. Whats that? you dont remember the Millenium falcons present until the end of the battle? You what? you also dont remember there being 4 millenium falcons present? No neither do i.

So why did these happen?

Have you seen any funny posters like these? Where can we see more?

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