Sci–fi wargamers tactica Blog
Blog 1 – An Introduction
Greetings Sci-fi wargamers, Explosivo111 here with the first of
what hopefully will be many tactica blogs. This time I’m just going to
introduce myself explain what I do with respect to wargaming and
hopefully provide a useful outline of what you can expect from this blog
during future posts.
Tactica for miniature wargaming is a completely exhausted niche on the internet nowadays, especially so with 40k.
As such I made the decision to look at this blog from a slightly
different angle than the usual tactica information available on the
World Wide Web.
I have been playing 40k
for about 7 years now and mainly play vanilla space marines and
tyranids but regularly play with or against most the armies available in
40k. I am by no
means a competitive player (in fact I’ve never played in a tournament
before….ever). I play regularly with a small gaming group in which we
constantly attempt to outdo each other’s lists each time we meet, this
has led me to look for interesting and unusual tactics and lists that
you wouldn’t see in a competitive environment. If you’re looking for win
at all costs, tournament winning tactics and lists then this is not the
blog for you.
That’s not to say I condemn those who attempt to win all there
games in the most destructive, anal leakage inducing manner possible. I
understand that, for certain people, that is the essence of the hobby
it’s just that I prefer to play in a much more relaxed atmosphere with
friends, beer and pretzels!
So each time I post a blog I will explain certain lists I played
with or against and explain how/why they worked and if I would try them
again. Ill also accept any suggestions from you guys and certain
combinations you think I should try, or perhaps you would like to see
tested before you play them yourself.
So I’ll leave my first blog post at this, apologies for it being so
short but as I said this is just a small introduction that hopefully
will make you want to read in the future. I’ll try and blog as often as I
can, but occasionally things may get in the way (sadly real life is
something we all must make room for)
See you soon guys
If you'd like to contact Explosvio111 then feel free to send us your comments and he shall get back to you ASAP!
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