I think i finished this guy mid 2012, back when i was considering painting a whole minotaurs army! i'm relatively happy with how he turned out. Theres a few
positives and negatives in there i can work on.
This was my first go at painting power weapon effects and i'm pleased
with how they came out, i will DEFINATELY be doing more of it. However,
i'm not keen on how the OSL came out, even though i've been trying it
for a while now! more practice required me thinks!
The bronze/gold is a bit of an odd one, it would help if Forge world
themselves had a consistent colour for these guys, just look at the
colour of that relic contemptor dreadnaught on the website, then look at the colours
in the IA books! totally different!
It doesnt help with the colour being called "bronze" as it can be
anything from a very dark copper, to a highly polished bronze/gold
(which i want!)
Anyway, Here are the pictures!
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